Wednesday, August 12, 2015


What is war? According to, war is “a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation”. War is black, death, and destruction. War breaks some people, but others? They're strengthened. They rise so far above what everyone expected them to. They become amazing, calm, and invincible. But for those who break, sometimes they never heal. They stay in a state of everlasting pain and misery, remembering what it was like to be giants, knowing that they can never be tall again. Those who are strong, they are now the giants. They are great; forever. They'll never fade back into oblivion, or be forgotten. They will be legends, warriors, and heroes. They refuse to be mistaken, overlooked, or invisible. They are the crazy ones. They don't do it because they don’t know how much horror it will bring, they do it because they know, and they don't want anyone to have to endure it. Live while you can, die when you must, and don’t be forgotten; That is their motto. Life is fragile, but legends are not.War is not about winning, or losing, or living, or dying. It is about saving as many innocents as you can, while taking as much evil as humanly possible down with you. It is about life, light, and freedom, not death, darkness, or slavery. Legends don’t go to war to kill people, they go to war to save them. Why shouldn't you? Go to war to save people. Go to war to be free, or die trying. You can be a legend, a hero, a warrior. You can be a giant.Take a chance, be legendary.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Be Remembered

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
-Gerard Way

My life is craziness. Pure insanity. But I love it, because it's worth something. It's interesting, overwhelming, and beautiful. It's like a book, but you get to be a part of it.
You don't get a good life, and you don't get a bad life. You get a life. So make it worth living. Make it something that people will read about for centuries. Make it legendary.
For years, this is all I've wanted. I've wanted to be somebody who makes a difference. Someone who touches millions. I want to be like Gandhi, Shakespeare, Plato, Mother Teresa, Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, and so many others.
I want to be remembered.